MissionOG Bolsters its Advisor Network with Fintech, Cybersecurity, and AI Leaders

MissionOG, a leading B2B-focused high-growth investment firm, is pleased to announce that it has added six exceptional executive leaders to its Advisor Network. This strategic expansion is a key component of the firm’s broader strategy to expand the expertise of its Advisor Network, increase the impact of the advisor engagement model, and continue to deliver significant value to its portfolio companies.
“Our advisors have provided the firm and our portfolio companies unmatched value through their uncommon reach and insight,” noted Patrick Murray, Senior Director at MissionOG. “We are privileged to welcome Anurag, Brian, Chris, Dana, Jon, and Josh to this group.”
New members of the MissionOG Advisor Network include:
- Anurag Mathur
- Global Head of Strategic Partnerships – FinTech, Data, & Applied AI Solutions, Google Cloud
- Former Chief Product Officer, RDC, acquired by Moody’s
- Brian Hazzard
- Founder and CEO, Randori, acquired by IBM
- Former Vice President, VMware Carbon Black
- Chris Hertz
- Co-founder and CEO, Heeler
- Former Chief Revenue Officer, DivvyCloud, acquired by Rapid7
- Former Founder and CEO, New Signature, acquired by Cognizant
- Dana Bowers
- Chief Solutions Architect, Founder and Board of Directors, Venminder
- Founder, iPay Technologies, acquired by Jack Henry & Associates
- Jon Wagner
- Former CTO, Vivid Seats
- Former COO and Head of Decision Engineering, Zoomer
- Former Chief Architect, eMoneyAdvisor, acquired by Fidelity
- Josh Devon
- CEO, Sublime Strategy
- Former Co-founder and COO, Flashpoint
These individuals will enhance the firm’s collective expertise in key areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, compliance, and FinTech, while expanding the technical, engineering, and go-to-market capabilities of the Advisor Network.
The Advisor Network is a cornerstone of MissionOG’s value creation strategy, providing relevant domain-based knowledge that leads to high quality deal flow, thoughtful diligence, and value added engagement with portfolio companies. MissionOG leverages its active partnership model, built on a foundation of operational expertise, by drawing on the combined wisdom and extensive personal networks of a distinguished group of leaders.